Melissa Bell

A writer, speaker, and warrior for women

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Having not grown up on a church pew, I know what it’s like to feel as though you are living on the fringes. Over the last fifteen years as I have studied God’s Word and developed relationships with the well-versed, I have come to realize that we are just alike…you, me, and the girl pouring her heart out through worship in the front row of Church.

We all have a past sprinkled with mistakes and regrets, and we’re searching for hope in this crazy world. We all desire to be loved and accepted, just as we are.

Through my time sitting with God, I have learned the goodness of our Creator, released my guilt, and embraced who God created me to be.

There is FREEDOM in Christ for EVERY single ONE of us, sinner and saint alike.

Let’s sit and chat for a while!

I have a rebellious nature…

and spend a lot of my time testing the boundaries. I am often accused of having no filter. I call it being real.

I am lucky to be married to an incredible guy. His conservative, analytical temperament brings balance to my gypsy soul. I would pack up an RV and travel the country in a heartbeat! We have four rambunctious children, and I am trying my hand at being a stay-at-home mom for the first time ever… it is scary, to say the least.

Over the past few years we have managed to simplify our lives to do more “living in the moment.” This has afforded me more opportunities to lean in. Lean in to my family, neighbors, friends, strangers’ paths I cross. I am always looking for an opportunity to sit with people and a piping hot latte and let them be seen, looking sincerely in their eyes as they are speaking, so they know they are being heard.

When not chasing my children, I can often be found curled up outside with a good book soaking up the sun. If I can teach my children to love themselves, love Jesus, and love their neighbors, I will be content.

I am always up for an adventure and am most comfortable flying by the seat of my pants!

Melissa is a writer, speaker, and co-host of The Sinner and The Saint Podcast. She also has the honor of serving as the executive director of Knowing God Ministries.


“Melissa speaks to emotions and situations you’ve experienced. As the listener you think, ‘Oh, we could totally be friends!’ Melissa commands laughter and introspection, and exudes wisdom that can only come from life lessons tailored by God.”