God, Help My Unbelief.

It was by faith...

It was by faith...

It was by faith...

On repeat throughout this entire passage of scripture.

No where does it say, "It was by faith and with a clear picture of what the future holds..."

Or "It was by faith and with the full support and understanding of their loved ones..."

On the contrary, it was by faith...they took a step of obedience. They answered the call, no matter how crazy it seemed at the time.

This is not the kind of faith you get from sitting on a church pew, one hour a week on a Sunday morning.

This is the kind of faith that is developed over time, through countless hours of prayer, time in God's Word, and worshipping our Savior.

This is a bold faith that entrusts all that we have to the One who created us.

I don't know about you, but I want that kind of bold faith!

Maybe I've been lacking in my prayer time. Perhaps, instead of praying, "God, show me the way", I should be praying, "God, give me the faith."

Just as the father in Mark 9:24 declared, "God I believe; help my unbelief!"

Take a few minutes to read Hebrews 11:17-31, and ask yourself, "What bold step is God asking me to take?"

Then dive into scripture, pray relentlessly, worship our God until your faith of a mustard seed gives you the courage to go!

Melissa BellComment